Saturday, October 22, 2011

[MAMA MADE] Sewing Sewing Sewing

I swore up and down to myself that I would take it easy this season, and not participate in our local Christmas craft fair. And yet, where did I find myself this the school submitting my application form and signing my cheque. Why...why oh why did I do this? Because I LOVE IT! I love to sew - and it seems that the only way I fit it into my day, is if I have a project or a deadline on my plate. I also love the hustle and bustle at the fair, setting up my 'little shop' and hearing all the valuable feedback. I have decided to keep it simple this year. I've created a dress pattern that is simple, timeless and best of all, easy to cut and assemble. Here's a sneak peak:

The skirts are constructed from a cotton/linen blend in a beautiful, natural finish, allowing the bodice fabric to shine. The bodice fabrics are a mix of simple, monotone patterns (as pictured above) to vintage florals.

The dresses are lined in unbleached, natural cotton. The sizing is generous, to allow the garment to grow with the child from dress to tunic.

Next up are some sweet little unisex pants made from linen, twill, denim and corduroy with patterned cotton pockets and cuffs, as well as, some twirly skirts with ribbon detailing. Lots to do - should have probably started earlier!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[FAMILY] Thankful

There are so many things I am thankful for, that it's hard to know where to start. Of course the top of my list, are my babies, husband, family and health. Our warm and cozy home, friends and our little island. This weekend was filled with all of the above.

SATURDAY Spent the day curled up infront of the fire with my little ones while Geoff went on a great hike with his friend and Maple. 

SUNDAY Grandma and Grandpa over for Thanksgiving dinner (which my Mom brought!!!). The rainy skies of Saturday disappeared and we were blessed with beautiful rays of sunshine coming through our skylights. During our visit, a little bird bumped our window - luckily after a few minutes of rest, he flew away. Logan loved holding the little creature - he is such a gentle boy...I love him.

We decided to take advantage of the sunshine and showed Grandma and Grandpa our newest trail on Bowen at Cape Roger Curtis. It's a gorgeous path that leads you up a flight of stairs to elevated boardwalks along the cliff edge, high above the ocean. The view is out to Paisley Island and beyond to Vancouver Island. It's absolutely breathtaking. There's a lovely little beach (that we used to hike too before the new roadways and trail were in) and on this special day, we found a baby seal basking in the sun.

The mama seals leave their pups on the beaches as they go out and find food. They return later in the evening to fetch their young and if they feel it's a good daycare, they return the pup there the next morning to forage again. It was such a treat to see this beautiful little baby up close. It had no fear of us (was so hard not to pet it) and once again, made me realize how truly blessed we are to be raising our children in this environment.

MONDAY For the first time since Chloe joined our family, Logan and I went on a 'date' together to walk the dog and check in on the baby seal. It was pouring rain, but we loved it. He chattered non-stop as we held hands and walked the rocky terrain. We took refuge for awhile in this lovely huge tent they have set up at the end of the trail, complete with adirondack chairs, cozy couches and a spectacular view to boot (weird, I know) and pretended it was our house. Rather than the rain slowing down, it got needless to say, we were drenched by the time we reached the car. We didn't care...

Hope you all had as wonderful a weekend as us. Now off to make turkey stew.

Friday, October 7, 2011

[MAMA MADE] Gobble! Gobble!

Our nature shelf runneth over. It seems my little guy is as much a scavenger and collector as his mama. Every walk through the forest or along the seashore results in us coming home with our pockets full of treasures. We have baskets of pinecones, bowls filled with seashells, jars filled to the brim with acorn tops, chestnuts and feathers. I love that Logan has this simple enjoyment except for one small problem...were running out of room! So now I am on the hunt for clever nature crafts and thought autumn inspired themes may be a good place to start.

Here's our first craft of the season, just in time for Thanksgiving. Crazy little pinecone turkeys, complete with feathered tails, googley eyes and dressed in their Sunday best.

You just know these two are waiting to gossip to each other once the service is over.

I did the glue gunning and Logan carefully picked out each feather and placed it just right for the turkeys tails. He glued on the clothes and arranged the beaks and eyes on the faces. I love how each one has it's own personality.