Monday, December 5, 2011

[MAMA MADE] Craft Fair Success!

I did it...I finished everything...I'm pooped! The market was a big success - thank goodness! I have to admit, the morning started off slow and I was starting to worry a little that I was coming home with eighty pairs of earrings and a pile of sock monkeys (I guess I could always pierce their ears). In the middle of making a mental note of who I could gift all this stuff too and trying not to feel discouraged, I noticed the same people had passed my table several times then was a buying frenzy!! The calm before the storm (which was when I started wishing I had made my prices a little easier to add in my head) and it pretty much remained at that momentum for the remainder of the afternoon. Logan spent the majority of the day happily sitting beside me being my helper. His 'job' was to put the earrings or rings into a teensy paper bag and clip a mini clothes pin to the top when someone made a purchase. He took this responsiblity very, very seriously and as a reward, I let him have some money to buy a little treat. He spent his hard earned cash on treats for his dog. Love my boy.

Here's this years display: