Saturday, September 27, 2014

[EXPLORE] Fall Treats

FALL...glorious, glorious fall. Kids are back in school, warm sunshine mixed with crisp salty air, wood fires, fog horns and a sea of autumn leaves. This is my favourite time of year on our little island. Sure the long summers days are nice, but there is just something so magical about this seasonal change that awakens the natural hunter gatherer in us to prepare for the inevitable winter. Woodsheds are being filled, chimneys cleaned, gutters emptied, harvests preserved and every minute of our limited sunshine used to the best of our ability.

This was our first true fall morning, and we filled it to the brim with our friends.

Frog hunting, spider studies, fuzzy caterpillars and a lily pad filled lake started our day. Beautiful light, warm translucent reflections and skipping stones were on our agenda. Dense forest trails, holding hands, running, jumping and skipping the entire way - that's how we roll.

Lunch on the water, a walk on the dock, icecream and a new little addition to our windowsill.

Home to our happy chickens, clucking and scratching their way through the yard for bugs and other tasty treats. Admiring their beautiful colours in the sunlight and giving them a little cuddle before heading in to continue sewing my dolls for the annual Christmas craft fair. Perhaps one more outing before dinner...