Sunday, January 31, 2016

[NATURE + EXPLORE] Adventure Backpack + Nature Finds

How thankful am I that our little corner of Canada stays fairly mild all year long - we maybe get a day or two of snow and then it all melts away. Replacing this snow, however, is short, dark, rainy days that chill you to the bone. We can sometimes go weeks without seeing a speckle of sunshine. It's difficult to get out of bed let alone the house sometimes which can certainly cause our spirits to drop. Luckily my kiddos aren't afraid of getting a little drenched and are up for exploring whatever the weather may be doing ( maybe I have to drag them kicking and screaming...but they do have fun once they're out there; I promise). To make these excursions a bit more exciting, I have created us an Adventure Pack - an MEC backpack with lots of pockets and a nice big interior to carry our nature journals, test tubes, magnifying glass, pencils, petrie dishes, critter container, mason jars for water collection, first aid kit and lots of room for snacks.

Last weekends adventure, we found a raptor egg (eagle we think) and discovered a cool bridge over a rushing stream made from an old train car. We'll need to go back and explore the stream a bit further, as we noticed some nice flat picnic spots that need to be taken advantage of.

We also have acquired a nice stack of empty icecream buckets with lids that work great for tide pool exploration (because it's white, your critters colours don't get distorted) and making temporary habitats for salamanders, insects or carrying all the nature finds on our journey. We got our stack from a local eatery and I've seen them at the recycling depot - worth asking for.

Todays nature find was pretty awesome (and a bit gross) - owl pellets. I think what made my stomach a little queasy when flipping it into our bucket, was that it was wet and had too close a resemblance to something my cat would cough up. We're drying it right now by the fire, and will be dissecting it later this evening so stay tuned. Yes...I'm one of those weird Moms!!

Friday, January 29, 2016

[TUTORIAL] For the Birds!

My little birdie and I made these orange cup feeders a couple weeks ago and boy were they ever a hit with our feathered friends. Not sure what was more fun - watching the little birds lining up along the branches to have a turn at the feeder, or watching Chloe have free reign on adding the ingredients to her peanut butter. Either way, it's a great rainy day craft to do that is fun, easy and helps out the little tweeters.

Large Orange
Twine (we used yarn)
Toothpick or Skewer
Peanut Butter
Mixed Bird Seed
Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
Sunflower Seeds

1. Cut orange in half through the middle and scoop out the insides 2. polk three holes about 1/4" below rim and at even distances from each other with your skewer. 3. Cut three equal pieces of twine approximately 18" in length and thread each piece through holes and tie - gather up all three pieces of twine and tie together in order to hang feeder. 4. Start with a large dollop of peanut butter and add remaining ingredients with seed being the main show. 5. Fill cups and hang outside - it may take a day or two before the birds discover the feeder but when they do, word gets around awfully quick!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

[NATURE] Woodland Fairies

I think it's pretty safe to assume our Nature Pal Exchange family has received their goodies from us. I've been dying to post what we made for them but in my regular fashion, I was late with the final step of this project...mailing the actual parcel!! So off it went Express Post (ouch...$$!) and was guaranteed to land in Nova Scotia last week of December. BUT IF NOT AND YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE DO NOT SCROLL DOWN!!

First step, was me and the kidlets went on a cold nature hunt for pretty sticks, lichens, pinecones, seashells, feathers and whatever else we could find. We were not quite sure at this point what we were going to make - we were just enjoying the scavenger hunt of what was available to us in winter.

After laying out all our finds and drying the sticks and pinecones in the oven to kill any unwanted parasites, we were ready to get crafty. This part of the task held my kids attention for all of 30 seconds, unfortunately, and it ended up being my playtime to put together these lovely little woodland fairies.

I LOVE how they turned out. The bodies are beautiful Dogwinkle Snail shells that we washed and lightly oiled so their true colour was restored, the wings are pieces of pinecone and chicken feathers from our backyard flock, the little details are bits of lichen, natural wool and seed pods (which we first microwaved to kill the seed inside).

I would be more than happy to put together a little tutorial if anyone is interested - just leave a comment below or on FB. Happy woodland crafting xoxo

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

[HOMESTEAD] Always Changing.

Our little homestead is always changing - last summer we added four muscovy ducklings which we really enjoyed having, however, it turns out that ducks are just not for us. The heavily clayed soil on the ridge we live on, did not allow proper drainage of all the wetness ducks need 'and produce - yuck' so our backyard was turning into a slippery mess. Too bad...they were really quite adorable.

So now onto our next adventure - COTURNIX QUAIL!! My incubator arrived today (Christmas present from the husband and kiddos...yes it was on my list and yes I know I'm a huge nerd) and the eggs have been ordered. We our ordering our eggs from a gentleman that runs the Canadian Coturnix Quail Breeders page on Facebook and are getting a mixed flock of colours.

I cannot wait for them to hatch...just think how teensy tiny they'll be - and they're not even the smallest breed. Button Quai are the size of bumble bees when they hatch - can you imagine?!?