Sunday, April 22, 2012

[FAMILY] Five!! I'm doing this a little backwards, but these are the pictures that have made it off the memory card, so first up, the boy's fifth birthday.

My little man, turned five on April 10th this year...I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I am a mother to a handsome, smart, funny, lovely five year old. I don't know why this seems so shocking to me, but it is. It seems like just yesterday, I was holding my little nugget in my arms...oh wait it was (that's how we start each and every I can't be a prouder mama. He is one awsome kid!

The theme this year, was vintage carnival. Okay, so maybe I had a little to do with the theme, but the stuff I was finding for his treat bags etc. was just way too cool to pass up. If it wasn't for his birthday, then I would have used another excuse to pull out the puppies on unicycle bags and cards I found (seriously, they were on could one resist?!?)

We had our little kitchen nook set up with balloons, polka dot napkins and plates, my vintage step ladder had mason jars climbing the rungs holding candies, toys and noise makers. Rather than a cake this year, Logan requested ice cream sundaes, so I found some lovely vintage sundae glasses to house our candied toppings, and colourful plastic bowls for our dessert. Fun party hats, vintage carnival themed masks, balloon animals and bingo to boot. It was a GREAT day!!

Next year, he wants a science party. I am already sourcing ideas. I'm a geek.