Friday, April 11, 2014

[CHICKENS] Graduation Day

Well, it's been an exciting week for the chicks and chickens - the little girlies are on day two of life outdoors - they love it! The big girls (and boy) are very curious of this new addition and quite peeved that the've been kicked out of the front coop and now have to pile into the wyandottes home (it's definitely VERY cozy).

We hooked the heat lamp up inside the coop for the evening and added wood chips to every surface to make it dry and cozy. They look so teensy in their new home, and are getting acquainted with their big sisters on the other side of the pen.

Our entire coop and chicken run is covered in wire to keep our feathered friends safe from overhead predators, as well, we have added a large covered area between the coops to house the food and water. The entire area is expanding and changing all the time with our ever growing flock.