Friday, July 27, 2012

[DOCUMENT] Project Life Update

I've been busy playing catch up on my Project Life pages these last couple weeks. It's coming together wonderfully. I am incredibly proud of it.

I think my favourite part of this journey is realizing just how much I do with my children, my home, my friends, my life - it has been a real eye opener. I sometimes feel I'm not making good use of my time home with them, or that our days and weeks have not been very fun and exciting. But then I sit down and start to put together our pictures, read over my notes from the day, and realize that 'hey, I'm doing a pretty good job!'

As you can see in some of the photos, I have used sticky notes to keep me on track with the dates of the week while I catch up on my journaling. I have briefly re-capped our days in my daytimer and when I get a (rare) quiet moment, I will type them up and print on my 4" x 6" recipe cards.

My children love this project too. Chloe looks at this album almost every day - in fact, I have to hide it or she'll drive me nuts wanting to look at all the pictures. She has the album memorized to date, and has funny little smiles, noises, faces she makes for certain images on the page. It's adorable.

note the little hand 'helping' me turn the pages while i take pictures (why some images are blurred...had to be quick!)

Friday, July 13, 2012

[FAMILY] Capture

I may not bake my own bread, grow my own vegetables, have the cleanest house on the block (although i would love to do/have all of the above), the one thing I have done consistently since our first little nugget arrived, is taken pictures. Lots and lots of pictures. I have tried my best to document my little family unit, through my lens.

Since joining the iPhone crowd last December, I have been slacking in taking my 'real camera' on our daily explorations. So out came my trusty friend, charged the battery, cleared the memory card and headed out to one of our favourite spots on the island. The Meadow. This is my favourite image captured from the day. My beauties.

Speaking of captured moments. Is anyone out there still participating in Project Life? I have managed to hang in there, and am only about a month (maybe two) behind but am hoping to have some time to myself soon to get caught up. What a wonderful project. Here's some inspiration I've been collecting to keep up the creativity and remain motivated.
