Wednesday, September 16, 2015

[NEWS] Updates Galore

Whew...what a whirlwind!! There is so much happening in my little world, I hardly know where to begin! First off WELCOME AUTUMN! Welcome fresh, crisp air, nature's colours, spicy chimney smoke and fresh starts. My boy welcomes grade three and my girly is in her last year of preschool - I savour every moment of this short chapter in our lives.

Now onto the FRESH STARTS + NEW BEGINNINGS. I am so excited to present a new endeavour I have started with the help of fellow artisans - Bowen Island Artisans Collective. We are a diverse group of local artisans that are so proud to call this little rock in the Salish Sea - HOME. Our focus is to bring local, handcrafted goods to the heart of Snug Cove in the form of Pop Up Shops, hosted at the beautiful Sugar Cube Gallery. We had our first this past Labour Day long weekend - it was so much fun...I'm still on cloud nine.

In other news, FOXGLOVES Lovely Lads + Lasses will be on display starting September 22nd at the CityScape Art Gallery at 335 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver. The dolls will be available for purchase through the Christmas holidays.

And even more news...FOXGLOVES Lovely Lads + Lasses is so happy to join Collage Collage in their brand new space at 3697 Main Street. The dolls will be making their debut shortly once all the eyelashes have been trimmed, beards shaped and sequins in place. Stay tuned...

Our little homestead has also grown in leaps and bounds over the last couple months...but that will have to wait til another day. Kirsten xox